Booking Terms & Conditions

Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully.

These Terms of Business constitute a legal agreement between you (you or the Customer) and Akash Travels Pty Ltd trading as “Cheers Travel Partners” (ABN 59 631 570 806) of PO Box 5026 Murray Bridge South 5253 Australia. (we/us or the Provider). Please read this agreement carefully because it governs the services received by us. If you are agreeing to this agreement as an individual or on behalf of a company, government, or other entity for which you are acting, then you mean the entity and you are binding the entity to this agreement. We may modify this agreement from time to time.

1. Parties Involved: The agreement is between the customer and Akash Travels Pty Ltd, which operates under the name "Cheers Travel Partners."

2. Legal Status: The terms are legally binding, and by agreeing to them, the customer is entering into a legal agreement with the provider.

3. Modifications: The provider reserves the right to modify the agreement at any time. This implies that the customer should regularly review the terms for any changes.

4. Location and Contact: The address of Akash Travels Pty Ltd is provided, along with its Australian Business Number (ABN). This ensures transparency and provides a means of contact for the provider.

This section outlines the actions that signify agreement to the terms and conditions, as well as clarifies the authority of the person making the booking on behalf of other travellers:

Authority of Booking Person: The person making the booking is recognized as having the authority to act on behalf of all travellers included in the booking. This applies even if other travellers have made separate payments. Essentially, the person making the booking is responsible for ensuring that all travellers are bound by the terms and conditions.

Limitation of Rights: These terms and conditions specify the rights granted to the customer, and they do not provide any additional rights beyond what is expressly stated. The customer's rights are also subject to applicable law.

These clauses establish the procedures for agreeing to the terms, clarify the authority of the booking person, and specify the scope of rights granted under the agreement.

Recitals These recitals outline various agreements and responsibilities between the Customer and the Provider.

A. The Customer is agreeing to engage the Provider for services, and the Provider has agreed to provide those services under the terms of the agreement.

B. The Customer must be at least 18 years old to engage the Provider's services.

C. The Customer acknowledges their responsibility, along with their travellers, to obtain appropriate travel insurance covering various aspects such as cancellation, medical expenses, repatriation, personal injury, loss of baggage and money, and personal liability insurance.

D. The Customer understands that they are solely responsible for meeting any health requirements and precautions related to their travel booking, including vaccination documentation. They are advised to consult with their local doctor, travel medical service, or specialist vaccination clinic before traveling. General health advice for specific destinations is available through DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade), as indicated by the provided website link.

These recitals set the foundation for the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of both parties involved in the agreement.

This excerpt outlines the terms and conditions regarding the relationship between a travel service provider (the Provider) and their customers.

(a) The Provider's responsibility is to offer booking and advisory services, which includes making travel arrangements on behalf of the customer with various travel service providers.

(b) While the Provider selects reputable travel service providers, they are not directly providing the travel services themselves. They have no control over or liability for the services provided by these third-party providers. Bookings are subject to the terms and conditions set by these providers.

(c) The Provider can furnish the customer with the terms and conditions of the travel service providers upon request. Legal rights concerning the provision of travel services lie with the specific travel service provider, not with the Provider. If a travel service provider fails to deliver the contracted services, the customer's recourse is against that provider, not the Provider.

(d) The Provider acts on behalf of the third-party supplier or travel service provider when accepting bookings and payments.

(e) Each booking made by the customer establishes a contract between the customer and the relevant travel service provider. The terms and conditions, including limitations of liability, imposed by the travel service provider, apply to each booking.

(f) The customer agrees to review the travel service provider's terms and conditions before the Provider finalizes any booking on their behalf. The Provider can provide copies of these terms and conditions upon request.

Operative provisions 1. Definitions and interpretation Definitions

1.1 The following definitions apply in this agreement unless the context requires otherwise:
Business Day means a day (other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday) when banks in Adelaide, South Australia are open for business.
Charges means Fees and Expenses.
Claim means any claim, complaint, demand, proceeding, suit, litigation, action, cause of action or other legal recourse (whether in contract, tort, under statute or otherwise).
Customer means the party that will receive the Services as named in the Quote.
Customer Service means the Provider’s Customer Service offering which includes access to staff, either online, email or phone to confirm, amend or otherwise seek assistance with the Customer’s booking.
Control has the meaning given in Section 50AA of the Corporations Act.
Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
Default Rate means a rate of interest of 10.00% per annum.
Engagement has the meaning given in clause 3.1, being each individual engagement for the Provider to provide specific Services to the Customer pursuant to a Quote.
Event of Default means any of the following on the part of the Customer:

(a) committing any material or persistent breach of this agreement;

(b) repudiating or, or, in the reasonable opinion of the Provider, evincing an intention to repudiate, this agreement.

(c) misleading the Provider in any material way; and/or

(d) an Insolvency Event occurring in respect of the Customer.

Expenses mean the expenses of the Provider for which the Provider is entitled to be reimbursed by the Customer pursuant to clause 4.11.
Fees has the meaning given in clause 4.1.
Fixed Price means, in respect of a particular Engagement, if, as specified in the relevant Quote.
Governmental Agency means any government or governmental, semi-governmental, administrative, fiscal or judicial body, department, commission, authority, tribunal, agency or entity whether foreign, federal, state, territorial or local.
GST has the same meaning given to that expression in the GST Law.
GST Act means A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth), as in force from time to time.
GST Law has the same meaning given to that expression in the GST Act.
Travellers means all individuals who the Customer has made a booking on behalf of, including the Customer.
Travel Service Provider means the travel-related services provided by a third party including, but not limited to, airlines, train operators, rental car agencies and hotels or accommodation.

1.2 The following rules of interpretation apply in this agreement unless the context requires otherwise:

(a) headings in this agreement are for convenience only and do not affect its interpretation or construction.

(b) no rule of construction applies to the disadvantage of a party because this agreement is prepared by (or on behalf of) that party.

(c) where any word or phrase is defined, any other part of speech or other grammatical form of that word or phrase has a cognate meaning.

(d) a reference to a document (including this agreement) is a reference to that document (including any schedules and annexures) as amended, consolidated, supplemented, novated or replaced.

(e) references to recitals, clauses, subclauses, paragraphs, annexures or schedules are references to recitals, clauses, subclauses, paragraphs, annexures and schedules of or to this agreement.

(f) in each schedule to this agreement, a reference to a paragraph is a reference to a paragraph in that schedule;

(g) a reference to any statute, proclamation, rule, code, regulation or ordinance includes any amendment, consolidation, modification, re-enactment or reprint of it or any statute, proclamation, rule, code, regulation or ordinance replacing it;

(h) an expression importing a natural person includes any individual, corporation or other body corporate, partnership, trust or association and any Governmental Agency and that person’s personal representatives, successors, permitted assigns, substitutes, executors and administrators;

(i) a reference to writing includes any communication sent by post, facsimile or email;

(j) a reference to time refers to time in Adelaide, South Australia and time is of the essence;

(k) all monetary amounts are in Australian currency;

(l) a reference to a “liability” includes a present, prospective, future or contingent liability.

(m) the word “month” means calendar month and the word “year” means 12 calendar months;

(n) the meaning of general words is not limited by specific examples introduced by “include”, “includes”, “including”, “for example”, “in particular”, “such as” or similar expressions;

(o) a reference to a “party” is a reference to a party to this agreement and a reference to a “third party” is a reference to a person that is not a party to this agreement;

(p) a reference to any thing is a reference to the whole and each part of it;

(q) a reference to a group of persons is a reference to all of them collectively and to each of them individually;

(r) words in the singular include the plural and vice versa; and

(s) a reference to one gender includes a reference to the other genders.

2. Engagement as Company

2.1 The Customer hereby engages the Provider on a non-exclusive basis to provide the Services to the Customer, and the Provider hereby accepts that engagement and agrees to provide the Services to the Customer, in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

Commencement and duration

2.2 The Provider’s engagement with the Customer will:

(a) commence on the Start Date; and

3. Provision of the Services Quote

3.1 In respect of each individual engagement for the Provider to provide Services to the Customer under this agreement (each an Engagement), the parties must first agree on a Quote. The Provider’s obligation to provide the Services that are the subject of each Engagement does not arise unless and until the Customer has notified the Provider of the Customer's acceptance of the relevant Quote.

3.2 The Provider’s Quote may vary subject to the Travel Service Provider’s fees.

4. Pricing and invoicing Pricing

4.1 Subject to clause 3.1, in respect of each Engagement, the parties have agreed that the total price for the relevant Services (exclusive of GST and Expenses, and including a Deposit) (the Fees) will be, if as designated in the relevant Quote:

(i) (Fixed Price) a Fixed Price applies – that Fixed Price payable in arrears upon completion of the Services to the reasonable satisfaction of the Customer; or

4.2 All prices are subject to availability and can be withdrawn or varied without notice. Such changes may by reason of matters outside the Provider’s control including, but not limited to, adverse currency fluctuations, fuel surcharges, taxes and airfare increases.

4.3 The Customer must ensure that it contacts the Provider for confirmation of the most up-to-date Fees.

4.4 The Fees are only guaranteed once the Customer’s booking has been paid for in full.


4.5 The Customer is required to pay a deposit or deposits to the Provider at the time of booking (‘Deposit’).

4.6 Subject to Australian Consumer Law, all Deposits are non-refundable for changes of mind or cancellations, or if the Travel Service Provider’s terms and conditions provide that such deposit is non-refundable.

4.7 Should the Deposit be refundable by a Travel Service Provider, return of the Customer’s Deposit is subject to the Provider receiving the Deposit from the Travel Service Provider and/or the Provider being authorised by the Travel Service Provider to refund the Deposit.

Reimbursement of Expenses

4.8 The Customer will pay all reasonable expenses properly and necessarily incurred by the Provider in the course of providing the Services, provided that:

(a) the Provider:

(i) obtains the Customer’s written consent before incurring the expenses.

(ii) provides the Customer with acceptable documentation for the expenses incurred; and

(iii) complies with any applicable expenses policy of the Customer in force from time to time, provided that a copy of the policy has been provided to the Provider by the Customer prior to the relevant expense being incurred; and

(b) the Customer will not be required to reimburse the Provider for any amount of GST that the Provider has paid, or is liable to pay, in relation to any supply acquired by the Provider from any third party if the Provider has received, or is entitled to receive, an Input Tax Credit for that GST.

Cheers Travel
PO Box 5026
Murray Bridge South 5253

Telephone: 08 70992292

Table of content

1. Requirements to Travel: Passport & Visas

All travellers must have a valid passport for international travel and many countries require at least 6 months validity from the date of return and some countries require a machine-readable passport. For international travel bookings, you must let us know if you have less than 6 months validity on your passport or if you do not have a machine-readable passport. When assisting with an international travel booking.

Please ensure you have a valid Passport well in advance of travel as either the airline staff or immigration authorities will not allow you to pass through customs and board your flight without this documentation.

It is important that you ensure that you have valid passports, visas and re-entry permits which meet the requirements of immigration and other government authorities. Any fines, penalties, payments, or expenditures incurred as a result of such documents not meeting the requirements of those authorities will be your sole responsibility (except to the extent caused by fault on our part).

Visas are obtained from the issuing authority in Australia, usually an embassy. Visa requirements vary by both country you are travelling to and the current citizenship you hold so please ensure you check well in advance of your travel dates to allow sufficient processing time as required by the embassy. If you have booked a one-way ticket, please ensure you have checked with the Consulate of the country you are travelling to in order to ensure that you comply with their laws and regulations.

We recommend before travelling that you check the Government website relating to the countries you are travelling to for any applicable travel advisories relevant to those countries.

If you are travelling to or transiting through the United States

Please see for important information regarding compulsory pre-registration for their visa waiver program ("ESTA"). Australian passport holders will not be able to enter the United States without a valid ESTA (or visa). Please note, you may not meet the eligibility requirements of ESTA and may be required to obtain a visa.

If you are travelling to or transiting through Canada

Please see for important information regarding compulsory electronic travel authorization for visa-exempt foreign nationals ("ETA"). Australian passport holders will not be able to enter Canada without a valid ETA (or visa or permit) from 15 March 2016. Please note, you may not meet the eligibility requirements of ETA and may be required to obtain a visa or permit.

We urge you to apply for an ESTA or ETA prior to booking an airfare if you have any concerns about whether or not you might be eligible for an ESTA or ETA.

2. Services We Provide:

We provide a travel booking service that enables you to:

a) book or purchase travel related goods and services promoted on our website.
b) conduct flight and other travel related searches and reservations
c) access our Customer Service assistance service
d) use our payment processing, and ticketing services
e) When booking or purchasing a Travel Product we act on behalf of the Supplier to accept your Booking and payment. Each booking you make forms a contract between you and the applicable Supplier and is subject to the Product Terms, including conditions of carriage and limitations of liability, imposed by the Supplier. We recommend that you read the Product Terms before finalising your booking. We can provide you with copies of the relevant terms and conditions on request
f) When you make a flight Booking through Cheers Travel, we provide you with access to our global Customer Service offering. The Customer Service provided includes access to staff either online, by email or by phone to confirm your Booking, make any changes to your Booking or otherwise seek assistance with your Booking. The Customer Service provided by Cheers Travel is global in nature and can be accessed from anywhere around the world. There are charges applicable on these services as per the Terms and Conditions.

3. Travel Insurance:

We strongly recommend that you take out appropriate travel insurance to cover your travel arrangements. Your insurance protection should at least include cover for cancellation, medical and repatriation expenses, personal injury and accident, death and loss of personal baggage and money and personal liability insurance.

Travel insurance can provide peace of mind by offering financial protection against unexpected events like trip cancellations, medical emergencies, or lost luggage. It's crucial to review the coverage offered by different insurance policies to ensure they meet your specific needs. Travel insurance is strongly recommended by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for all overseas travel.

4. Health:

You must ensure that you are aware of any health requirements and recommended precautions relevant to your travel booking and ensure that you carry all necessary vaccination documentation. In some cases, failure to present required vaccination documentation (e.g., proof of Yellow Fever vaccination) may deny you entry into a country. We recommend that you consult with your local doctor, travel medical service or specialist vaccination clinic before commencing your travel. General health advice for the destination you wish to visit is also available from DFAT (see Whether any medical requests can be accommodated, including (without limitation) access to power, refrigeration and travelling with the use of mobility aids, is subject to the travel service provider in their sole and absolute discretion, and will often depend on a number of factors, including (without limitation) any modes of transport and local standards at the destination. All medical requests are beyond our control. While we will include all medical requests as a file note to the travel service provider, we cannot guarantee that your request will be accommodated. It is your responsibility to follow up with the travel service provider directly either at the destination or prior to travelling where possible.

5. Financial Arrangements

We receive remuneration through commissions, financial incentives, and other means (together, "financial arrangements") from booking travel and travel-related products and services on your behalf with third party travel service providers. We are not required by law to disclose the nature or value of these financial arrangements.

6. Deposit and Final Payment:

You will be required to pay a deposit or deposits when booking. We will advise you of how much that will be. Subject to your rights under the Australian Consumer Law, all deposits are non-refundable for changes of mind or cancellations by you, or if the travel service provider's terms and conditions provide that your deposit is non-refundable. If your deposit is refundable, this is subject to us having received the funds from the travel service provider and/or being authorised by the travel service provider to refund your deposit.

7. Service Fees: Agent Assisted Booking Through Call Center Or Online:

Service Fees for Flight Bookings

All bookings made online or through our contact center (agent assisted) will incur a service fee.

1. Domestic Bookings:

  • Economy Class:
  • Service Fee: $35 per person
  • Consolidation Fees: $25 per person (capped at $100 per booking)
  • Premium Economy, Business, and First Class:
  • Service Fee: $99 per person
  • Consolidation Fees: $25 per person (capped at $300 per booking)

2. International Flights:

  • Economy Class:
  • Service Fee: $175 per person
  • Consolidation Fees: $35 per person (capped at $1400 per booking)
  • Premium Economy, Business, and First Class:
  • Service Fee: $475 per person
  • Consolidation Fees: $35 per person (capped at $1900 per booking)

8. Our Change and Cancellation Fees:

Change and Cancellation Fees

Subject to your refund and remedy rights under the Australian Consumer Law, any change and cancellation fees applicable to your booking will be outlined in your quote, tax invoice, and/or itinerary (as applicable). These fees are detailed in sections 9 to 13 below. Payment of change or cancellation fees via credit card may attract the applicable credit card surcharge.

All bookings made on your behalf are subject to the terms and conditions imposed by the travel service provider. If, for instance, a travel service provider's terms and conditions include a "no refund policy," our ability to provide a remedy will be limited to what is provided by the travel service provider, which may include a travel credit.

9. Travel service provider Change and Cancellation Fees:

Changed or cancelled bookings for any reason (including by reason of matters outside your or our control) may also incur travel service provider fees, which can be up to 100% of the cost of the booking, regardless of whether travel has commenced. Travel service provider fees may also apply where a booking is changed for any reason and when tickets or documents are re-issued. Where we incur any liability for a travel service provider change or cancellation fee for any booking which is changed or cancelled for any reason, you agree to indemnify us for the amount of that fee. Where you seek a refund for a changed or cancelled booking for which payment has been made to the travel service provider, we will not provide a refund to you until we receive the funds from that travel service provider (which may take 12 weeks, or longer, dependent upon the travel service provider processing time). In the event we are still holding the funds, we can only provide you with a refund once we are authorised by the travel service provider to process your refund, subject to that travel service provider's change or cancellation policy.

10. Change or Cancellation by You:

Changes and Cancellations Policy

Changes to Booking:

If you request changes to your booking, we will Endeavor to accommodate your request, although it may not always be feasible. All changes are subject to any applicable travel service provider fees and change fees as outlined in your quote, tax invoice, and/or itinerary. Additionally, you may be responsible for any price increases resulting from your change request.

Cancellation of Booking:

Should you cancel any part of your booking, your deposit will be forfeited, and you'll be liable for any applicable travel service provider fees and cancellation fees as detailed in your quote, tax invoice, and/or itinerary. We will refund any remaining funds, unless otherwise stated. Alternatively, a travel credit may be offered by us or the travel service provider without applying any associated fees.

Refundable Bookings:

If your deposit or booking is refundable, refunds are contingent upon receipt of funds from the travel service provider and/or authorization to refund from the travel service provider.

Non-refundable Bookings:

For instant purchase or non-refundable bookings, no refunds, travel credits, or other remedies will be available from the travel service provider and/or us upon cancellation.


  • Domestic Booking Changes: $75 per person, in addition to travel service provider fees and consolidation fees of $35.
  • International Booking Changes (including Trans-Tasman): $150 per person, plus travel service provider fees and consolidation fees of $35 per person (capped at $700 per booking).
  • Domestic Booking Cancellations for Refund or Credit: $75 per person (capped at $300 per booking), plus consolidation fees of $35 per person.
  • International Booking Cancellations for Refund or Credit (Economy Class): $175 per person (capped at $1000 per booking), plus travel service provider fees and consolidation fees of $35 per person.
  • International Booking Cancellations for Refund or Credit (Business Class/Premium Economy): $375 per person, plus travel service provider fees and consolidation fees of $35 per person (capped at $1400 per booking).


These fees are reflective of the reasonable direct and indirect costs, time, and effort involved in providing booking and advisory services, as well as managing changes or cancellations and issuing future travel credits.

11. Change or Cancellation by a travel service provider:

1. Alternative Travel Arrangements or Travel Credit: Typically, if the booking is cancelled by the travel service provider, they will offer alternative travel arrangements of comparable standard if available. If not, they will offer a travel credit for the full amount paid by the customer.

2. Refund Option: Alternatively, depending on the provider's policies, they may offer a refund of all money paid by the customer, deducting any unrecoverable costs, applicable travel service provider fees, and applicable cancellation fees.

3. Unrecoverable Costs: Unrecoverable costs refer to all reasonable, direct, and indirect costs incurred by the travel service provider or intermediary in relation to the booking. This includes amounts paid to other relevant travel service providers involved in the booking, which may be non-refundable.

4. Instant Purchase or Non-Refundable Bookings: For bookings classified as instant purchase or non-refundable, customers may not be entitled to a refund, travel credit, or other remedies from the travel service provider or intermediary in case of cancellation.

5. International Flights: In the case of international flights, if waivers for full refunds are provided by the airlines due to changes or cancellations, a service fee per ticket plus a consolidation fee per person applies.

6. Domestic Flights: Similarly, for domestic flights within Australia, if waivers for full refunds are provided by the airlines due to changes or cancellations, a service fee per ticket plus a consolidation fee per person applies.

Got it, you're specifying the fees that apply in case of waivers for full refunds due to changes or cancellations by airlines for both international and domestic flights:

1. International Flights including Trans-Tasman:

- If there are waivers for full refunds due to changes or cancellations by the airlines, a service fee of $175 per ticket plus a consolidation fee of $25 per person applies on all international flights.

2. Domestic Flights within Australia:

- Similarly, if there are waivers for full refunds due to changes or cancellations by the airlines for domestic flights within Australia, a service fee of $125 per ticket plus a consolidation fee of $25 per person applies.

These fees are applicable on top of any refunds or waivers provided by the airlines and are charged by the travel service provider or intermediary.

These terms ensure clarity regarding the rights and options available to customers in case of cancellations by the travel service provider, while also outlining any applicable fees and conditions.

12. Credit for Future use:

All tickets cannot be put towards Credit for Future Use. Tickets that are applicable towards credit for future use have restrictions attached to them.

Cheers Travel Service fee of $175 per person for putting the tickets towards Credit.

Below are the Terms and Conditions that apply towards the use of Credit for future use:

  • Credit must be used within one year from the original purchase date of the tickets.
  • Credit cannot be converted into cash.
  • Name changes are not allowed on credit.
  • Departure airport must be remain same.
  • Rerouting, if any shall be subject to airlines approval and airlines penalties.
  • Change of Arlines is strictly not permitted.
  • Airlines penalty and fare/tax difference shall apply towards rebooking the Flights.
  • Fares cannot be downgraded to a lower fare.

13. Unavoidable Circumstances:

In the event of unavoidable or extraordinary circumstances, a travel service provider may materially modify or cancel your booking as set out below.

In these Booking Terms and Conditions "unavoidable or extraordinary circumstances" means any cause outside a travel service provider's reasonable control which could not have been prevented or avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken by the travel service provider (including, but not limited to, war, threat of war, riot, civil disturbances, industrial dispute, terrorist activity and its consequences, plague, epidemic, pandemic, infectious disease outbreak or any other public health crisis (including quarantine or other employee restrictions), natural or other disaster (such as volcanic ash or hurricanes or similar events), nuclear incident, fire or bushfires, adverse weather conditions (actual or threatened, including snow and fog), closed or congested airports or ports or other modes of transport, unavoidable technical problems with transport, unforeseen alterations to transport schedules, transportation disruptions or cancellations, domestic and/or international travel restrictions, changes to travel advisories and restrictions, changes to health advisories and quarantines, changes to immigration, labour and free-movement laws resulting from BREXIT, rescheduling of aircraft or boats or other modes of transport, changes to applicable laws and/or other government mandates (including evacuation orders and border closures), and similar events).

If your booking is cancelled due to unavoidable or extraordinary circumstances, either the travel service provider will offer you a travel credit or we may, subject to any applicable hardship policy, offer you a travel credit for the full amount paid by you.

14 A. Payments by Credit Card and Debit Card:

Any credit card surcharges as set out in your quote, tax invoice and/or itinerary (as applicable) will apply when paying by credit card or debit card.

You authorise us to charge all fees incurred by you in relation to the services provided by us to the credit card or debit card designated by you. If payment is not received from the card issuer or its agents for any reason, you agree to pay us all amounts due immediately on demand.

14 B. Terms and Conditions for High-Risk & High Value Transactions

To safeguard the integrity of transactions and ensure compliance with our policies, Cheers Travel may require additional documentation for transactions classified as high risk. The following terms apply:

For transactions identified as high risk, Cheers Travel may request the below documentation to be submitted within 4 hours of the flight booking.

List of Documents Required:

a. Passport Copies:
- Clear copies of the passports for all traveller's.
- Clear copy of a Valid passport or Drivers Licence for the cardholder.

b. Credit Card Image:
- A photograph of the front of the credit card used for payment.
- A photograph of the back of the credit card used for payment (CVV number should be redacted for security reasons).

2. Failure to Comply: If the required documentation is not provided within the specified timeframe, Cheers Travel will cancel your booking. A refund for the amount paid will be issued to the original method of payment.

3. Discretionary Cancellation: Cheers Travel reserves the right to decline or cancel any booking at its sole discretion if deemed necessary to manage financial risks or to adhere to applicable regulations. This decision will be based on internal risk assessment procedures.

4. Booking Confirmation: Automatic booking confirmations are contingent upon Cheers Travel’s acceptance of financial risk and compliance with internal policies. Confirmation of the booking is not final until all required documentation is reviewed and accepted.

14 C. Transaction Verification Requirements for Debit and Credit Cards (a) You:
(i) authorise Cheers Travel agents to:

  • charge all fees incurred to the credit card designated by you;
  • disclose your credit card details or other payment credentials to, and obtain information from, any financial institution or card issuer, payment provider to verify the credit card, payment credentials and identification details that you provide;
  • take steps to confirm that there is sufficient credit on your credit card account or other payment account to meet likely charges;

(ii) authorise your credit card issuer, payment provider or financial institution to verify that your payment credentials (for example, your credit card and identification details) you have provided to Cheers Travel are accurate; and

(iii) consent to Cheers Travel supplying your billing, payment, and identification information (including personal information) to those Suppliers and/or hotels who will supply the Travel Products in your Booking to you.

(b) Before Cheers Travel proceeds to process any Booking on your behalf or issues your travel documentation, various checks are taking place to validate the integrity of your payment credentials, including any credit card or account information and in certain circumstances you will be required to submit verification documentation to substantiate identity. This process is intended to reduce the potential risk for fraud and disruption to passengers upon check in.

(c) If your credit card or other payment option is not approved Cheers Travel may attempt to contact you. Where Cheers Travel cannot contact you and the ticket issuance period lapses (thereby making the Booking invalid), Cheers Travel will have no choice but to cancel the booked arrangements. Under these circumstances Cheers Travel accepts no responsibility for any re-Booking costs unless the loss was caused directly and primarily by fault on our part.

(d) Cheers Travel reserves the right to decline Bookings where in its reasonable opinion it is appropriate to do so. Any automatic Booking confirmations are conditional on Cheers Travel's acceptance of any financial risks, potential ticket despatch delays, or other regulations that may apply.

(e) If payment is not received for your confirmed Booking for any reason, you agree to pay Cheers Travel all amounts due on demand.

15. Service Guarantee:

Our booking and advisory services come with guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law that:

  • Service and Quality of Service.
  • Taking due care of our customers
  • they will be reasonably fit for the specified purpos.
  • they can reasonably be expected to achieve the desired result; and
  • they will be provided within a reasonable time.

If we fail to meet any of these guarantees, you have rights under the Australian Consumer Law.

16. Our Agency:

We act as an agent for and sell various travel related products as agent on behalf ofairlines. Any booking, advisory and other services (such as processing a change or cancellation with the relevant travel services provider) that we provide to you are collateral to that agency relationship. We do not act as an agent for, and are not authorised to enter into any agreement with you on behalf of Akash Travels Ptly Ltd trading as Cheers Travel Partners.

Our obligation to you is to (and you expressly authorise us to) provide booking and advisory services, including making travel bookings on your behalf and arranging relevant contracts between you and travel service providers. We exercise care in the selection of reputable travel service providers, but we are not ourselves a provider of travel services and have no control over, or liability for, the services provided by third parties. All bookings are made on your behalf subject to the terms and conditions, including conditions of carriage, cancellations policy and limitations of liability, imposed by these travel service providers. We can provide you with copies of the relevant travel service provider terms and conditions on request. Your legal rights in connection with the provision of travel services are against the specific travel service provider and, except to the extent a problem is caused by fault on our part, are not against us. Specifically, if for any reason (excluding fault on our part) any travel service provider is unable to provide the services for which you have contracted, your rights are against that provider and not against us.

17. Our Liability:

To the extent permitted by law, we do not accept any liability in contract, tort or otherwise for any injury, damage, loss (including consequential loss), delay, additional expense or inconvenience caused directly or indirectly by the acts, omissions or default, whether negligent or otherwise, of third party providers over whom we have no direct control, force majeure, supplier insolvency or any other event which is beyond our control or which is not preventable by reasonable diligence on our part.

Our liability will also be limited to the extent that any relevant international conventions, for example the Montreal Convention in respect of travel by air, limit the amount of compensation which can be claimed for death, injury, or delay to passengers and loss, damage and delay to luggage. Under circumstances where our liability cannot be excluded and where liability may be lawfully limited, such liability is limited to the remedies required of us under applicable law (including the Australian Consumer Law). This liability clause is subject to your rights under the Australian Consumer Law and nothing in these Booking Terms and Conditions is intended to limit any rights you may have under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).

18. Supplier/ Consolidation Insolvency:

Without limiting section 22, for the avoidance of doubt, in the event of a third party provider being unable to provide you with the product or service you have booked due to that third party provider becoming insolvent or being placed under external administration, subject to your refund and remedy rights under the Australian Consumer Law, we have no obligation to reimburse you for the cost of your booking, or for any loss or damage you may otherwise suffer as a result of any such insolvency or external administration.

19. Special Requirements:

Please liaise with us regarding any special requirements you may have for your travel arrangements such as special meal and seating requests and must be advised to us at least 96 hours before departure. All requests are subject to the airline’s approval.

20. Price

All prices are subject to availability and can be withdrawn or varied without notice. The price is only guaranteed once your booking has been paid for in full by you. Please note that prices quoted are subject to change. Price changes may occur by reason of matters outside our control which increase the cost of the product or service. Such factors include, but are not limited to, adverse currency fluctuations, fuel surcharges, taxes, and airfare increases. Please contact us for up-to-date prices.

21. Services provided by Cheers Travel Partners:

(a) Flexible Ticket:
Flexible Ticket is available for purchase during the booking procedure, offers travellers unparalleled flexibility and peace of mind. With this option, travellers can embark on their journeys with confidence, knowing that their plans can adapt to unforeseen circumstances.

Say goodbye to Non-Changeable itineraries and hello to flexibility and convenience with our Flexible ticket policy. You can modify your travel dates with ease, allowing for seamless adjustments to your itinerary.

Flexible Ticket is a service offered by Cheers Travel Partners. You cannot make use of our Flexible Ticket service by contacting the airline directly.

All rebooking requests must be made through our contact centre at 08 - 70992292 or emailing us minimum 48 hours before the flight departure.

When providing our Flexible Ticket service, we only mediate the transport contract between You and the relevant airline. As the Flexible Ticket is our own service (i.e., you cannot make use of our Flexible Ticket service by contacting the airline directly) all rebooking requests making use of the Flexible Ticket service must be made via our customer service number 08-70992292.

Key Features:
Unlimited Date Changes:
Enjoy the freedom to alter your travel dates without paying the hefty airlines penalty for the first date change in your itinerary, only the fare and tax difference shall apply, ensuring a more cost-effective and hassle-free experience. Whether your plans change unexpectedly, or you simply need more flexibility, you can adjust your itinerary as needed without worrying anything

Additional Information:
Should you require further date changes beyond the initial complimentary changes, an airline penalty of $200 Per Person, plus any fare and tax difference, will be applicable. This ensures fair and transparent pricing while still offering the flexibility you need.

The Flexible Ticket allows flights to be rebooked under the following conditions:

  1. All rebooking’s must be made in accordance with Section 21 at least 48 hours before the original time of departure.
  2. Service fees of $175 per person applies towards any changes.
  3. All rebooking’s must be made in accordance with Section 21 at least 48 hours before the original time of departure.
  4. Rerouting is not Permitted.
  5. Fares have to be rebooked on same or higher class. Fares cannot be downgraded to lower fare than originally booked.
  6. Rebooking is only possible within the same airline, i.e., a flight can only be rebooked to a flight operated by the same airline as the one operating the originally booked ticket.
  7. Flight segments must be used in the same order in which they were originally booked.
  8. Upgrading to a different cabin, or booking class, on the same flight is not permitted.
  9. Rebooking a ticket for a so called “stop-over” (i.e., staying in a connection city longer than originally booked) is not permitted.
  10. You cannot change origin and/or destination, neither for the outbound nor the return flight.
  11. Name changes are not permitted.
  12. The amount paid towards Flexible ticket is Non-Refundable, once paid for.
  13. Flexible ticket can only be added at the time of booking.
  14. For any re - bookings please call our customer support team at 08 -70992292 or email

(b) Terms and Conditions for Changeable Ticket Service:

Changeable Ticket - This means added flexibility and convenience, allowing you to modify your travel plans as needed without hassle.

Changeable Ticket is a service provided by Cheers Travel to offer customers additional flexibility for flight changes on eligible bookings.

  1. Applicability: Changeable Ticket service applies to flights booked through Cheers Travel and is subject to the terms outlined herein.
  2. Change Policy: Any changes to flights covered by the Changeable Ticket service must be advised to Cheers Travel at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled departure time of the original flight.
  3. Penalty and Fees: Changes to flights covered by the Changeable Ticket service are subject to a penalty fee of $250 AUD, in addition to any fare and tax differences resulting from the change. These fees are imposed by the airlines and are non-negotiable.
  4. Non-Refundable Fees: Fees paid for the Changeable Ticket service are non-refundable under any circumstances. Once the service is added to the booking, the fees associated with it cannot be refunded, regardless of whether the ticket is used or not.
  5. Booking Requirement: Changeable Ticket service can only be added at the time of booking. Once the booking is confirmed, the option to include the Changeable Ticket service may no longer be available.
  6. Eligibility: Not all flights may be eligible for the Changeable Ticket service. Customers are advised to confirm the eligibility of their flight before purchasing the service.
  7. Limitations: Changeable Ticket service does not guarantee availability of alternate flights or changes to the itinerary. All changes are subject to availability and airline policies.
  8. Booking Conditions: Changes made to bookings covered by the Changeable Ticket service are subject to the fare rules and conditions of the original ticket, as well as any additional conditions imposed by the airlines.
  9. Responsibility: Cheers Travel acts as an intermediary in facilitating changes to flights covered by the Changeable Ticket service. While every effort will be made to assist customers with their requests, Cheers Travel cannot be held responsible for any changes or cancellations made by the airlines.
  10. Modification of Terms: Cheers Travel reserves the right to modify or update these Terms and Conditions for the Changeable Ticket service at any time without prior notice.

By purchasing the Changeable Ticket service, customers acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions.

22. Agent Assisted booking through Call Centre:

Please be advised that a booking fees of $75 per person applies for any booking made over the Phone through our contact centre plus the Service fees as per the conditions of International or domestic travel applicable in the Terms and Conditions and listed above. This fee reflects the reasonable, direct, and indirect costs,time and effort incurred by our travel Consultants on booking the new flights for the travellers.

23. Online Booking Fees

Domestic Flights
All Domestic Flights have a booking fee of $35 on all One-way Flights and $49 on all Return flights.

24. Refund

All requests towards Refunds and Credit shall have a Service fee as mentioned under Clause 11 of Change or Cancellation by you:

You have rights under the Australian consumer guarantees that can't be taken away by terms and conditions. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions affects your rights under the Australian Consumer Laws. The rights described in these Terms and Conditions and the relevant Supplier's Terms and Conditions are in addition to your consumer guarantee rights.

Except as required under the Australian Consumer Laws, your right to a refund of a travel product booked on the website or through our Contact Centre is governed by the terms and conditions of this Website. You should read the refund policy carefully. Many travel products are non-refundable and Supplier charges or cancellation fees may apply to your particular travel product.

Subject to your rights under Australian Consumer Law, upon acceptance of a Travel Credit, you release Akash Travels Pty Ltd, trading as Cheers Travel Partners from any and all claims and liabilities, without limitation, relating to your travel booking, your inability to complete the travel booking, and/or any refund or compensation you might be entitled to in relation to cancelling your travel booking.

Cheers Travel Partners will only be liable to provide a refund to you of a payment for a Travel Product to the extent that it actually receives a refund from the relevant Supplier. Where refunds are due to you from a Supplier, Cheers Travel Partners will provide reasonable assistance to you in claiming any refunds from that Supplier. In that situation, Cheers Travel Partners is authorised (but not obliged) to seek such refunds from the Supplier directly and on its own behalf.

Where a refund is applicable, the turnaround time from the date of your request for refund to the date you are provided with your refund is beyond the control of Cheers Travel Partners. Cheers Travel Partners will act diligently to pursue your claim for a refund from a Supplier and promptly remit any refund received from a Supplier in a timely manner once it has been cleared by our bank.

Refund to any overseas Bank shall incur a fee of $75. The conversion rate is not guaranteed and is subject to the Bank.

Refunds shall be processed in the same form of payment as received.

25. Errors & Omissions :

We reserve the right to amend your Booking in consultation with you where an error or omission was made in relation to the Travel Product or services purchased and.

  1. The error/omission was made in circumstances outside our control example technology, wrong fare conditions and wrong fares booked.
  2. The error/omission was made by the Supplier, and they have advised that they are unable to provide the purchased Travel Product or services at the price advertised.
  3. The error/omission made by us or the Supplier leads to a material and unreasonable outcome.

Errors and omissions on our Website are corrected upon learning of the error or omission. If there are any errors we would notify you within 24 hours of making the reservation and offer you a Full Refund for the price of the Travel Product.

26. Frequent Flyer :

Please let us know your frequent flyer membership details (or other applicable loyalty program details) for inclusion in your booking. Please check your frequent flyer program (or other applicable loyalty program) for the specific terms of your membership. We cannot guarantee that the supplier of your frequent flyer or other loyalty program will credit you with points for your booking or provide you with any other particular benefit, including (without limitation) status credits or lounge access. It is your responsibility to check whether your booking is eligible for any such benefits.

27. Schedule Changes:

We recommend that you contact the travel service provider to confirm your scheduled departure time 24 hours prior to your departure.

For all schedule Changes due to the airlines or any unforeseen circumstances, Cheers Travel Partners will charge a fee of $75 per booking.

28. Privacy Laws:

We are committed to protecting your personal information and agree to handle your personal information in accordance with applicable privacy, data protection, data breach notification and anti-spam laws ("Privacy Laws"). By providing personal information to us, you consent to us collecting, using and disclosing your personal information as provided in these Booking Terms and Conditions, in accordance with all Privacy Laws. In particular, you agree that in certain circumstances (such as where you request us to book international travel for you), we are permitted to disclose your personal information to overseas recipients. Such recipients may include the overseas travel service providers eg: airlineswith whom you make a booking. These travel service providers will in most cases receive your personal information in the country in which they will provide the services to you or in which their business is based. Generally, we will only disclose your personal information to these entities and/or persons in connection with the facilitation of your travel booking and/or to enable the performance of administrative and technical services by them on our behalf. Where we disclose your personal information to any entity and/or person (including any overseas recipients), you agree that: (i) in the case of travel service providers or other recipients who are providing services directly to you, we will not be required to ensure that recipient's compliance with Australian privacy laws or otherwise be accountable for how they handle your personal information and you acknowledge and agree that your rights in relation to their handling of your personal information are governed by the contract between you and that recipient (which may include their privacy policy); and (ii) in the case of travel service providers who perform services for us, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that recipient's compliance with Australian privacy laws.

29. Modifications of Terms and Conditions:

We reserve the right to modify any of these Booking Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. If we make changes to any of these terms and conditions, we will post the amended terms and conditions on the website, applications, or services, which are effective upon posting. The applicable terms that apply are those in effect at the time you make a booking.

30. Governing State Law:

If any dispute arises between you and us, the laws of Australia will apply. You irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Australia and waive any right that you may have to object to an action being brought in those courts. These terms are governed by the laws in South Australia.

These terms were last updated on 15 Dec 2020.

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